Propane: an efficient energy source

J&J Gas Service customers also care about efficient energy sources and look for affordable ways to save on energy costs; they also want the solution to be safe. Propane gas is safer and more energy efficient than ever before thanks in part to innovation and rigorous safety standards for manufacturing of gas efficient appliances and equipment.

Innovations in propane appliances such as tankless on-demand water heaters, central heat and air, stoves, clothes dryers and even fireplaces and more can be part of a complete energy efficient propane home. Pool heaters, patio heaters and outdoor kitchens make enjoying the outdoors more affordable, comfortable and fun.

With all of its benefits and uses, propane gas is rapidly growing as the energy of choice across the nation and here at home.

For Your Home

Reduce energy costs, increase your comfort and enhance your lifestyle.

Many homeowners are choosing propane as a reliable and clean energy source. Propane is used to fuel A/C and heating systems, furnaces, water heaters, fireplaces, clothes dryers, pool heaters, ovens & stoves, BBQ grills and much more.

Our Home Services

For Your Business

Affordable propane prices, scheduled delivery and 24/7 service.

Many businesses are choosing propane as their primary fuel source for their manufacturing processes, power vehicles, generators & equipment as well as provide heat for their building, cooking, decorative lighting, water heating and more.

Our Business Services

For Your Farm

More than 60,000 farms across America use propane for daily operations.

Propane on the farm (or any agricultural use) is used to control weeds, insects & microbes as well as heat water and barns, dry crops, control weeds and power heavy equipment such as forklifts, lawn mowers, large trucks and tractors.

Our Farm Services

Propane safety tips