Propane produced & manufactured locally

These days our neighbors are making an effort to purchase from local small businesses, looking for products made in the USA, finding ways to conserve and reduce their energy costs and learning about products that are safe for the environment. J&J Gas Service customers can enjoy the fact that they have been doing all the right stuff all along!

  • J&J Gas Service is (and always has been) a local family owned business.
  • Propane gas (or LP Gas) is produced and distributed in the USA.
  • Propane gas is less expensive than most all other forms of energy or fuel.
  • Propane has always been one of the most environmentally friendly forms of energy there is.

Propane or LP Gas is abundant, renewable and “green”. Propane in its natural state is odorless, colorless and non-toxic. If propane leaks it won’t puddle and affect soil or groundwater instead it vaporizes into the air. Since propane is also the lightest hydrocarbon in existence and burns cleaner, hotter and more efficiently than oil, gas or diesel it does not negatively affect the environment.

Propane is also very portable and is used in a variety of ways including outdoor cooking, heating, for RVs and even “off the grid” applications. Here in North Central Florida J&J Gas Service customers appreciate propane for its outdoor living applications and because it also allows a home to be self-sufficient in a storm emergency. Customers are able to use propane when electric power has failed to cook their food, heat their home, heat their water for showers and much more. A propane generator is also a great investment for the home and makes surviving outages and other emergency situations more bearable.

For more information on propane and to discuss the many propane products
available for your home, business, or farm give us a call at (386) 294-1801.

For Your Home

Reduce energy costs, increase your comfort and enhance your lifestyle.

Many homeowners are choosing propane as a reliable and clean energy source. Propane is used to fuel A/C and heating systems, furnaces, water heaters, fireplaces, clothes dryers, pool heaters, ovens & stoves, BBQ grills and much more.

Our Home Services

For Your Business

Affordable propane prices, scheduled deivery and 24/7 service.

Many businesses are choosing propane as their primary fuel source for their manufacturing processes, power vehicles, generators & equipment as well as provide heat for their building, cooking, decorative lighting, water heating and more.

Our Business Services

For Your Farm

More than 60,000 farms across America use propane for daily operations.

Propane on the farm (or any agricultural use) is used to control weeds, insects & microbes as well as heat water and barns, dry crops, control weeds and power heavy equipment such as forklifts, lawn mowers, large trucks and tractors.

Our Farm Services

Propane safety tips