It’s never to early to start thinking about the upcoming hurricane season that is vastly approaching. If you have a gasoline (portable) generator think about converting it to propane before this upcoming storm season.

gas generator conversion

Gasoline is not a fuel that the pro’s ever choose to use on backup generators due to a limited shelf life and it causing engine failure if it’s not ran enough. Not to mention the high price of gas.  If you have a backup generator, they almost always use LP Gas, natural gas or diesel.

If you think about it, what the first commodity that always goes when a hurricane (or disaster is imminent)? You guessed it, gas – that and the headache that goes along with those hour-long lines, nasty vulgar words, fist fights and gas rationing. Last year was proof of that, any gas station you drove by didn’t have gas or had mile long lines of cars waiting for their ration especially at the corner of US 129 and US 27 in Branford.

Since you have a portable generator convert it to propane, if your backup generator runs off gas make sure to make the switch too. Your generator’s engine will last longer and is sure to start the following year. Propane doesn’t go bad like gas does and you can store it for years if needed. Propane is readily available and the most dependable fuels with an unlimited supply – you won’t be waiting hours on end at a gas pump in an emergency. Running your generator off of propane you’ll experience longer, uninterrupted run times, can connect to your home’s big propane tank and have a clean burning alternative fuel helps extend the life of the generator’s engine.

🌩️ We’re here to make the switch for you – don’t get stuck without your generator when you need it most, convert your generator to propane today by calling (386) 294-1801! 🌩️